Thursday, June 3, 2021

Week 5

 Maths : In Maths we are learning about how to understand fractions and what we use fractions for. You can use fractions in pizza, baking/ measuring and weighing.

Social Studies: In Social Studies we are learning about migration. We learned about push and pull factors about why the people migrate.

Cyber: In Cyber we are doing a Pick a Path about what we are learning in other subjects or we could do it about something we like. If you don't do that then you can do this Google Drawings of something that you like and you trace over the top to make your own drawing.

P.E: In P.E we retested the push ups, crunches, and the coopers run we were also learning how to play Badminton.

English: In English we are reading this book called Hatchet and we are answering some questions about the book.

Science: In science we had a test for mixing and separating on SciPad online.

ESM: Stands for Environment Sustainable Management. We do gardening  and watering around the school.

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